Thursday, March 02, 2006

The End

The results is out. We were not fantastic, or perhaps that is an under statement! We were really down in the dumps. I feel really sorry for the students who did poorly. Some of them seem to have taken it well (Mr Chia I got a C are you happy for me? ha ha ha :) , some did not (Mr Chia, I am sorry! sob sob sob) To those who are satisfied with what you have, good for you. Been contented is next best thing to godliness. To those of you who I say, lets get on with life. None you should be sorry for anything.

It does not mean there is no need for reflection. Myself, together with Mr Osman will definitely look thoroughly at things and see if there are things that went right and things that went wrong.

Personally for me, it was a shocking experience. Perhaps I am one of those who are used to things just going ok in life all the time, no storm, no bright sunny day, just clear skies with occasional showers! So this storm is good for me too.

To the 0405ers, if there is any way at all you think I can help, please feel free to approach me, whether you have an F or a A, it does not matter!

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